Support of local programs to increase supply of housing affordable to families and individuals at or below median income

  1. Achieve integration of housing planning with land use and transportation planning and job development

  2. Achieve a vigorous and varied community with a wide range of housing types including rentals to create a balance of ages, ethnic background, economic status and life style

  3. Encourage the dispersal of affordable essential housing throughout the County through a variety of programs including rental subsidies, inclusionary zoning, density bonuses, second units, and infill and in redevelopment areas

  4. Support zoning practices that:

  • Designate essential housing sites with appropriate zoning

  • Allow for rehabilitation of existing buildings

  • Permit second units in single-family areas when certain conditions are met and maintained\Encourage mixed-use that includes housing opportunities

5.  Support development of essential housing in which:

  • Services such as transportation, jobs, educational, medical and recreation facilities are accessible

  • Maximum energy and water efficiency, as well as noise insulation, are included

  • Supportive services are provided to assist residents in achieving self-sufficiency to the fullest extent possible

6.  Support aesthetic and functional design

7.  Strengthen and implement the housing elements in the County and city/town general plans

8. Encourage and monitor adequate funding resources through Federal, State, local and private partnerships

9. Support the decision-making process through planning commissions, governmental bodies and task forces, and discourage land use planning through the initiative process.

Adopted 1985, revised 2000, 2003, 2018
(National and State and Regional and Local position)