The League of Women Voters Recommends a YES Vote on

  • To maintain open space, parks, and sustainable agriculture, without increasing tax rates, shall the Marin County measure be adopted to: manage vegetation to reduce wildfire risk and preserve biodiversity; protect streams, baylands, natural areas, wildlife habitat; maintain park facilities; and maintain/ enhance walking, hiking, biking, and equestrian trails; by re-implementing an existing one-quarter cent sales tax, providing $14,000,000 annually, for 9 years, that the state cannot take away, with citizens’ oversight and audits? (2/3 Majority Required to Pass) - Sales tax for parks, open space, and sustainable agriculture - Votes required to pass: 2/3 voter approval

    Link to full ballot wording.


  • To modernize high schools in San Rafael and Terra Linda, including: updating science labs, technology and career/ job training classrooms for current educational standards; updating classrooms for arts/ music; and updating classrooms/ facilities for health, safety and wellness; shall San Rafael City High School District’s measure to issue $216,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, providing approximately $11,100,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, averaging 3¢ per $100 of assessed value, with independent oversight, annual audits, and all funds improving local schools? - Bonds for school improvement projects - Votes required to pass: 55% voter approval

    Link to full ballot wording


  • To modernize San Rafael elementary and middle school classrooms, including: updating classrooms/ classroom technology for current educational standards; replacing aging portables; and updating classrooms, facilities and air filtration/ HVAC systems for health, safety and wellness; shall San Rafael City Elementary School District’s measure to issue $152,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, providing approximately $8,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding averaging 3¢ per $100 of assessed value, with citizen oversight, annual audits, and all funds improving local schools? - Bonds for school improvement projects - Votes required to pass: 55% voter approval

    Link to full ballot wording


  • To upgrade classrooms, science labs and learning technology in Mill Valley elementary and middle schools; repair/replace leaky roofs/windows, improve accessibility for students with disabilities; add solar and replace outdated/inefficient heating, ventilation, electrical/plumbing systems; shall Mill Valley School District’s measure to issue $194,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, raising approximately $9,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding averaging 2.6¢ per $100 of assessed value, with oversight, annual audits and all funds improving local schools? - Bonds for school improvement projects - Votes required to pass: 55% voter approval

    Link to full ballot wording